Four Seasons are coming...

We are excited to introduce the Four Seasons collection in, a brand-new offering designed especially for preschools and young elementary students. This delightful collection brings the magic of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter to life through many engaging interactive games and activities. Each game in the Four Seasons collection is thoughtfully crafted to align with the educational needs of young learners, providing both fun and learning in a seamless blend.

The Four Seasons collection includes various activities such as puzzles, memory games, races, colouring, and sorting exercises. These activities entertain and help develop essential skills like problem-solving, memory retention, and motor-eye coordination. With themes that change with the seasons, children will be excited to explore new adventures throughout the year.

Teachers may find this collection useful for integrating seasonal themes into their curriculum. The activities are designed to be easy to implement in the classroom, making it simple to engage children in meaningful and educational play. The interactive nature of the games encourages active participation, keeping children motivated and eager to learn.

Whether it is about matching fruits in a summer orchard, building a path from stone shapes in the fall, or sorting colourful presents in winter, each activity is designed to be educational and enjoyable. The Four Seasons collection offers a wonderful opportunity for children to explore and understand the world around them through play.

Four Seasons - interactive play collection in

Four Seasons - interactive play collection in

We're confident that this collection will become a favourite in your classroom, bringing joy and educational value to your pupils. Dive into the Four Seasons collection and watch children embark on an exciting journey through the wonders of each season!

LavaVision Team

Useful links:

  1. Game collection for the whole year - the Four Seasons
  2. Interactive projection software -


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